School lunch ideas (+my secret weapon)

The school year is just about half over.

It was so nice to have the kids home for Holiday Break + a few snow days recently.

But they are back to school and…

I’m feeling the fatigue of packing school lunches and am so uninspired now that so many fresh things are out of season.

One of my fellow lunch warrior moms and I were talking about how we just wish we could take a sneak peek into our child’s classroom at lunch so we could get some new ideas to make it until the end of the year…

Well, here you are my friend. I sat down and came up with as many ideas as I could and

This was so helpful to me and now I have a list of things I can’t wait to pack for my children.

I hope this helps you too!

Oh, yeah, what’s my secret weapon when it comes to packing school lunch?

A THERMOS. Yes, a <$30 thermos has saved me from the depths of “I will not pack school lunches ever again!”

When I couldn’t come up with another sandwich combo and was feeling so guilty about all the raw, hard to digest things I was packing the Thermos was a lifesaver.

Now we are using up more leftovers from our dinners and my children have a HOT nourishing meal to eat in the middle of their day.

My daughter’s teacher even commented on how noticeable it is when her students have something warm to eat at lunch.

Isn’t always so nice to have something warm to put into your belly?

Yes, it is.

In the guide you will find tons of lunch ideas + some tips to make lunch more fun for you child and how to make it easier for you to pack.

Enjoy! Love,



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